Moving On

It’s been a minute since I wrote something here. I forgot how raw my emotions were on this site. I really let everything out. Every single thing I ever felt.

It’s been years. I’ve loved, learned, and grown. I’ve learned what it is I need in a man, in a spouse. I’ve learned what types of people can bring me down.

I’ve loved. I’ve lusted. I’ve learned the difference. I’ve been used. I’ve learned what it feels like to be used. I’ve learned what it feels like to give your everything to someone. I’ve learned what it feels like to be heartbroken. I’ve learned what it means to finally move on. To move on, is to finally stop imagining how the relationship could have been. The feeling of not caring anymore is so incredibly freeing.

I used to be incredibly mistrusting, very closed about myself. You had to take a chisel and hammer to see my true self. But now, even though I’ve been crushed by letting down my walls, I’m much more open than before. I’ve learned to laugh about the pain. I’ve learned to connect with people on a deeper level. I’ve learned how incredibly beautiful friendships are. And I’ve become more caring, less sensitive, and more loving. And those are the reasons I am grateful for the heartbreak. It taught me important lessons. It was necessary. And I’m even more grateful that he took the time to rub our friendship into the dirt, it made moving on that much easier. When I finally realized what an asshole he truly was.

Anyways, just wanted to post on here. Lots of love xoxo

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